Inspired Business Opportunity

This legitimate high income home business opportunity works with law of attraction and can set you free

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Accomplish Your Goals - Here is HOW - Finish What You Started

In order to accomplish your goals, LEARN to finish what you started! Are you finding that you are not getting the results you want in your life? Look around your home and see for yourself if there is evidence of this in your own home. For example, do you have unfinished projects you started that are looming over you?

So often we will put the intention out there to start something and somewhere along the way we get side tracked and either abandon the project or put it off! Can you see the project lying there right now as you read this? Is it chipping away at you and bothering you? Even if you think that because it is in the garage or in the basement, the fact of the matter is, you haven't dealt with it. It is in your mind regardless of where the project is. So you have to somehow either deal with the project in your mind or physically finish the project.

Ever notice what a relief you feel when you tackle a project and see it through! That feeling will propel you forward and you will get a flood of success by finishing projects that you have started. Finding the relief and feeling it lifts you up! Now you are open to more. Remember the saying, "when one door closes another one opens". This applies here.

So what is nagging at you to complete? Deal with it and move on. That is how to create success and get unstuck! It can be anything and it may be pretty simple. Like staining that deck you put off or donating some un-used physical equipment! By taking a simple action step of completing a project you free space and then more can flow to you.

I look forward to hearing from you using simple strategies like this. Learn to help yourself achieve success in all areas of your life. Have fun on your journey of life.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Help Yourself And Then You Can Help Others

You can't help the poor by being one of them. So many people put others first and discount their own value about themselves. I occasionally have a conversation with someone who is poor and would like to be comfortable and help others.

In order to help others you have to help yourself first. In a position of lack, you cannot help others accept to comfort them. What they need is to catch your enthusiasm and hopefulness. Being hopeful starts to increase value in yourself. The process to get from here to there has to start somewhere. So by having hope you start to increase momentum and that is what is truly inspiring.

So whether this is you or not or you may occasionally have conversations with people who have poverty consciousness, by being hopeful yourself you transfer your enthusiasm. A great way to have hope is to imagine yourself already accomplishing your dreams. Pick a goal or dream and start to let your mind wander about it. Imagine how you feel when it happens and start thinking about it all the time. Let it be the catalyst of enthusiasm and excitement. Some people put together dream boards or write it all down on paper. Be persistent and consistent that it is happening for you. When you go to bed at night spend a few minutes acknowledging the dream and looking forward to when it comes and as well first thing in the morning before you get out of bed put your smile on your face and build up the enthusiasm for it.

By launching into the world of imagination you get inspired and then the ideas start to flow of how to get there. The solutions will appear by your continued belief in yourself. We all have a great powerful imagination that can inspire all of us if we stop the monkey chatter of negativity. Whenever you find yourself saying "but" stop right there. The dreams don't have a "but". You have to remember that your goals are coming and not be attached to the how. That part is not your work. Enthusiasm is your work. Keep up the excitement and joy and belief and the how comes to you.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Over Reacting To Stress, Reduce Your Stress and Live A Successful Life!

Over reacting to stress, reduce your stress and live a successful life!

There is an old tale of a very wise man who always responded to every situation with the phrase, "don't matter". For instance, one day his prized stallion ran off from the stables. His friends were so upset for him, but his response was "don't matter". Then as a result the following week, the stallion came back with a herd of mares! Again the friends response was about how lucky he is and his response was the same, "don't matter".

If you treat everything in your life without over reacting to each and every situation your situations become more positive each and every time. So how does one go about becoming a calm and trusting person? Especially in a world filled with untrust and quick response reactions.

First of all, try to start off with the little things in life, which are really important. When you accidently spill something or knock something and it breaks, don't REACT. Stay calm and remember that there will be a reward for your patience and understanding. Now after awhile I found that soon when the bigger things may start to happen, you already have been practicing on the little things and you soon start to be more patient and understanding and know that everything is going to be okay IF you don't REACT - you wait and see.

It is interesting that as well in order for me to achieve this calming and patient point of view, I had to eliminate some of the negative contributing factors in my life. Like watching the TV news each and every day. That in itself was hard as well as not to read the newspapers, but I did it! As a results, today I am calm, I am relaxed and don't have knee jerk reactions to situations that I see others still respond to.

It takes effort and I know that the rewards in life are worth it! So start today to eliminate and practice patience and trust. Have a wonderful journey to success!

Friday, September 5, 2008

Law of Attraction - Do You Believe It?

Do you believe in Law of Attraction? I find myself wondering how many people out there believe that their thoughts, their actions, are creating their own results in their lives. Yes, I believe. When I am outside of my home and interacting with teachers, parents, or relatives and neighbors, they all seem unaware of what they are doing.

The majority of people are not really conscious of their own thinking...understanding that the most powerful law out there is the Law of Attraction. I remember when I first heard that I was dismissive. I thought for sure that the Law of Gravity was stronger. It took me awhile. Luckily for me however I am finally getting a better understanding of how powerful it really is, and how powerful I really am in working with it.

The other day I had an opportunity to share a car ride with a parent of my daughter's friend. I was a little unsure about how the conversation in a car would be because once people have your attention they usually talk about all the things going wrong in their lives. And that is exactly what you don't want to be doing. Anyway...this time I turned the tables. I decided to start talking about how lucky I am. I talked about how driving on a car trip during the winter we missed all the snow storms and how fortunate we were to have people who were helpful when we were confused, that sort of thing. So now she thinks I am a lucky magnet. I even shared with her about us winning a few times at the casino. So she promptly told me she never wins...guess what will happen when she goes gambling next time.

I do have to laugh inside about how I am living a dual life. I am using the Law of Attraction always and so is everyone else, they just don't know it yet. They think when they get good luck or bad, that they are not at the cause of it. Guess what - you are. You are always at the cause of everything in your life - just how am I going to go about letting everyone else know.

It would be better if everyone knew - then we could all enjoy the game so much better. Yes, I call life a game. If you are lighthearted and relaxed about life then by Law of Attraction, you will get more of what you are BEING. So treat life like a game, enjoy who you meet and learn from each experience. Enjoy the moment of being You.

You could help me out and let others know about this blog...perhaps it may help be the click they need to understand the game. Have a great day.

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Is Ego Is In The Way Of Your Success?

Is ego in the way of your success? It was for me. Having a business partner who is your husband is quite a challenge but can be very rewarding to work with your spouse once your hurdles are overcome. If you are wanting to successful in your business and perhaps with your spouse this may be the answer you are looking for.

In the beginning, when my husband and I started working together we shared the responsibilities as equally as we could and had a heck of a time getting past egos. It wasn't my husband's ego I had to get past, it was my own!

I am currently reading the book by Eckhart Tolle, "A New Earth Awakening to Your Life's Purpose." and as usual an idea pops into my head about the evolution of myself towards letting go of ego.

For me, when I worked with my husband and we shared the tasks, we stepped all over each other. We expected each other to understand or read each other's minds as to what was the next step. All kinds of chaos was the result. My ego was my problem for sure. All my husband's advice was taken as insulting so I was on the defensive side. I was looking at my past performances as a guide to my future and so far at that point, I had never ran a business only followed others. I had low self-esteem in myself when it came to the business, however I really felt a strong urge to keep going thankfully.

It was my ego in control now when I am reflecting back on the whole situation. So how do you get ego out of the way when working with your spouse? It didn't happen over night that is for sure, but I kept asking for wisdom and guidance to help me with ego. I journalled about it everyday and all of a sudden it hit me. When a situation came up and my husband shared with me his advice I understood that this is the answer! Eureka. The widsom and guidance was not showing up in a book or going to pop into my head, it was coming from him. I remember a time when after talking with someone who was on the fence about making a decision, Warren said to me that "ask what does that mean to you?" So of course in about two days' time or perhaps even the very next day I again was talking to someone else who was on the fence. I had an opportunity to learn so this time I said what my husband had told me and I asked what does that mean to him. This guy ended up sharing with me his concerns, which is exactly the response I was looking for. So the answers from my husband was the guidance all along, his guidance was heartfelt and not coming to me from ego.

When you receive other people's advice is it coming from their heart or their ego? Are you in ego state when you receive it and therefore not open to learning. For me, allowing in my true self and focusing on that allowed my ego to hang out and see how much better my life flows. I constantly think of myself in the now or remind myself in as many moments in the day as possible that I am not my ego I am much more than that. It takes effort, but you will get there, perhaps sooner than you think.

The awareness is the key. When I realized that ego was in command then of course I am going to get those old results I had in the past. Ego will always be there, for I cannot stop being Michelle, but I can relax about Michelle and let a more bigger aspect of me be my guide. The answers come from all different sources, so keep looking and finding them everyday.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Power Of Focusing On Your Goals And How To Achieve Them

The 2008 Summer Olympics in Beijing was a great time for me to understand more about the POWER we each have to focus and accomplish goals. Goal setting is vital to each and every one of those athletes as well as to each one of us.

Most people do not really believe that setting goals work or that they can accomplish them. So perhaps you need to set for yourself a small goal and see your level of belief grow. See for yourself the power of setting goals and the feeling you get when you do. Once you have the feeling of accomplishment you can memorize that feeling to assist you in achieving the next one and the next one. That is all.

Each week I speak with people who focus on failing instead of winning. Every one of us can start to notice our accomplishments not failures and start to notice how things always work out for us once we start to focus on our successes. Ever notice that the better it gets the better it gets? Ever notice how when you feel so good it doesn't matter the little things, for they don't really matter. This is law of attraction responding to your feelings. Notice it more and more each day. Start to notice how you change your feelings from negative to positive and then your results willl show things around you start to improve also from negative to positive. Whatever you notice whatever you focus on will grow by your attention to it.

Now getting back to the Olympics, I was watching olympic athletes running towards the finish line and I noticed that the runner who won had her eyes focused at one point, not looking around, focused on one thing. I am sure we all can guess a similar goal this winner had - focused on being first to cross the finish line, which she did. Her eyes did not dart sideways as she passed her competitor. She had her eyes focused forward - perhaps visualizing herself crossing the line while she was running.

I remember a goal I had about receiving an award. I rehearsed myself walking up to that stage over and over again day after day. That is the work I did first before I took action each day. I never took my eye off my goal, MY AWARD. By the time I DID WIN the award I felt like it was deja vu - for I lived it for six months in my head!

Your habit to win is to ALWAYS to focus on your goal and not be comparing yourself to others, for that will take you out of the race. Not to judge yourself by comparing yourself to others. That also is a habit you can let go of. Not force it, just release. Just allow yourself to focus on your goals and not be looking around for approval of others or noticing things you don't want.

Now that you have the awareness of FOCUS and the POWER you get as a result of Law of Attraction, start to memorize these feelings and soon accomplishing your goals can be just a matter of time. Be good to yourself and never judge. Allow yourself to achieve your success.

I welcome your comments and questions. Contact me at

Monday, August 18, 2008

Personal Development Can Be Expanded By Changing Your Perspective

The power of changing your perspective is beneficial to your personal development. I have a recent story that happened to me I wish to share to help you understand this concept.

I recently went out to the garden to gather up some peas. At first glance, I was looking at three rows of peas and could not see a single pod to pick! I am sure some of you at least have had this experience or can find a similar analogy.

So anyway, determined to have some peas I walk up and down the row. Finally I spot some, but they were not fully formed or not ready to be picked yet, maybe in a few more days, sigh. However, I walked up and down the row and something transformational happened. You see I started to focus better my eyesight or my vision of what my goal was.

When you first come across a row of pea plants you see a wall of green. The wall can be shoulder high even and lots of green leaves. You may notice flowers first because of the color difference but you have to adjust your eyesight and concentrate, perhaps start to walk slower and scan all around. At last I started to find pea pods that were just the right size. I knew they were there but honestly at first glance you couldn't see any at all! I sometimes had to push the leaves around to penetrate the foliage and there perhaps may be a pea pod or two undiscovered. Or I just bent down and looked up from knee level and could see them much clearer and in abundance!

The point of this reference is that you too can change your perspective and find abundance too. Just perhaps look at it differently, slow yourself down, or get down at a lower level to see it all that is hidden and waiting just for you. Sometimes we rush around and too impatient and all too eager to dismiss the obvious.

I am sure you have heard of the old wise man sitting on top of a mountain story. I find that he is there to remind us about mental clarity. We are a society which is demanding instant gratification and not in the process to get there. In order to help you experience more out of life both financial and personally, pause as often as you can. Just ponder even for a 2 second grace period so you can develop the habit of getting the BEST perspective of life you can.

Meditation too is also a way of changing your perspective, but for now be open to learning how to change your perspective.

This life has so much all around us to really appreciate and can certainly provide a bounty for you. Be open to looking at things from different vantage points. They always say that you should put yourself into the other persons's shoes for instance. Take the time to sit and quiet yourself, not always do things the same and perhaps in no time at all you will start to see what has been there all along. Just change your perspective.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Prosperity Consciousness vs. Poverity Consciousness - Controlling Positive Emotions

Prosperity consciousness versus proverty consciousness. There is a big difference between the two and your results in your financial affairs are a result of this thinking.

The difference should be pretty obvious. If you have some brief conversations with people in a very short period of time you will discover if those you are talking with speak about lack of money and are focused on the nothingness they have then they have poverity consciousness. They complain and will draw more attention on what it is they don't like and therefore attract more of it.

However, on the opposite side of the coin is prosperity consciousness! Seeing abundance at every corner, talking with those who have a bright future and have great excitement of what is coming and feeling good about money and prosperity! That is prosperity consciousness and that is how you must feel in order to attract more of it.

The lack of financial prosperity in your life feels awful to you and you are worried, even upsetting others. So now you know you have to change how you feel first. You first have to be aware that you have these negative LIMITING beliefs and are only attracting more of that. Congratulations for now being able to see that if you can only feel free of those negative thoughts and then start working on getting what you do want, instead of what you don't want.

So each day, in a quiet spot, sit by yourself and ask yourself that you want to feel prosperity consciousness. You want to relax your muscles, to breathe, and now focus yourself on what it feels like to be prosperity consciousness. Each and every day you must remind yourself and do this exercise. During the day, when you catch yourself feeling a negative emotion about lack of abundance, say a quick thank you to yourself and that you will now allow in the feeling of prosperity consciousness once again. You are allowing yourself to feel prosperity and feel the energy of abundance. Welcome the feeling, breathing in and out and relax.

By controlling how you feel about something will change dramatically your future outcomes. Just slow yourself down a bit and allow your mind to stop beating yourself up. This is all exercise in your mind, no different than exercising your muscles. After awhile, it becomes your new level of thinking and the results will show up in your results.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Stress and Frustration, How To Reduce Stress and Be Happy

Stress and frustration, how to reduce your stress and be happy. Stress is caused by the current situation you are in and you are reacting to it with a negative emotion. When one is allowing your mind to drift off and think of the consequences of your day to day life, often you can start to focus on the negative stuff and let that start to take you on a downward spiral. The trick is to re-focus on what it is you want, not what it is your current situation.

Your current situation is the now, so take stock and start to focus on the what it is you do want. Easier said than done, I agree. However, it can be done! A great tip is to remove yourself from the situation, take a break. Often, the removal of yourself allows things to cool down, and then from there you can say to yourself what it is you do want. Remember that phrase. What is it I do want!

Let's say you are in a situation where you cannot leave but you are still having the negative thoughts taking you on a downward spiral. There is several other solutions you can choose. First, you can write it down in a short phrase what happened and what it is you do want. You can release some of the pent up emotions that way too. It often is a great way to help you start to focus on what it is you want. You can draw a quick picture of what your day would look like when you have gone passed the outcome for example. After only about 20 minutes, you are done and their is a great release of emotions.

What if it is a really big problem, what then...well, if the the really big problem is still nagging at you, you can noise it out. I will put my headphones on and listen to someone else talk about creating joy and happiness. This helps remove your own thoughts in your head as you are listening. It takes effort on your part, depending on how big the problem is, but by putting positive thoughts in your head, no matter whose voice it is, it works. You cannot hear both your monkey chatter (those negative monkeys talking in your head) and the audio you are currently listening to. Sometimes, a great music CD or watch a funny movie can help, but the point is to be able to get past focusing on the problem and open yourself up to solutions. When solutions appear, you feel better. Your stomach doesn't bother you anymore and you can actually start to feel a little bit better, maybe even hungry.

I have created an audio format of 7 Steps To Happiness which is currently available for you to help you get that monkey chatter out of your head. Visit my website at . I look forward to your feedback. Make yourself a great day!

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Wanting Success But Don't Know Where To Start?

Wanting success but don't know where to start? I speak with lots of people who are looking for "something" to do from home but have no idea what it could be. They figure they will know it when they see it. If you have been looking for several months or even for about a year, you haven't got your heart in it.

To truly want "something" is for you to figure out first! What I mean is that decide first what is it you want. Is it the job you currently do so maybe the answer is to change jobs. Or is it the income and "not getting paid what you are worth" feeling? The first thing to do is to figure it all out. Find out what is your "why" and are you really ready to commit yourself to starting a business and treating it like a business. People start businesses everyday but have no idea about committment! Sometimes I talk with people who have been looking for months and I usually ask them how consistent have they been looking? Have they been focused on finding a business 4 or 5 days a week and discovering all that is out there with excitement and anticipation? The answer is no, they sort of look for awhile and then stop. That tells me that those people have no idea what consistency really is, they don't know how to "do" it, even when searching for something to do.

If you don't have the desire to find the right thing that is for you to do at the beginnning stages how can you expect to carry it forward throughout the coming years. It all starts with baby steps! Learning to develop better habits of what successful people do on a daily basis. I will ask them to describe some characteristics a person should have if they are to be business entrepreneurs. Some people say words like consistency and persistency. I then ask them if they have it. They tell me yes, but their actions are reflecting that they do not know how to "do". I am being honest with them and show them that they need to first be honest with themselves and start developing better habits of other successful people.

So don't sit there on the couch in your evenings and watch TV. It means taking all out action to follow through on what it is your really want, but first -- DECIDE on what it is you want.

How to figure out what you want is different for everyone. Talk with your spouse, read books or attend seminars or events which can show you. Meet business entrepreneurs and see how they discovered how to get success. I am sure you really know deep down what it is you need to do - you just have to LEARN how to do it consistently and persistently.

So now if you realize that and you still don't have a strong belief in yourself, all that may mean is that you are lacking confidence in getting there -- that is all. So start with personal development to help you get there - that is why personal development is there in the first place - to help us get to where we really want to go in life! Use it, every day, and you will get what you want and know without a doubt that you are on a path to success!

I know you will get there -- just start right now. Take baby steps to LEARN how to be, do and have, and then it will be easier for you to proceed. To Your Success -- Cheers!

Friday, May 30, 2008

Achieve Success Faster, Learn How Now.

Want to achieve success faster. Learn to "let go" of what your idea of how things work. Relax about yourself. You will feel a whole lot better and by learning how to relax you are in flow of achieving success faster.

Let's look at the other side of the coin to help you through this.

Being all stressed and uptight about things is not serving you. Constantly pushing against the things that you do not want only focuses your attention upon it, expands it and wastes your energy. Disease is the result of this negative pent up resistence. That is right. Dis-Ease. When you are not at ease with yourself, you are at dis--EASE. So learn to relax and let it out. Release is the key.

The tighter your try to hang on to something the more it slips through your grasp. Look around in your life for examples. The more you push against something the more resistence you will get.

You will find that with business partners you will go through this attachment as well. You have one point of view and they have another. Remember to be the best person you can be. Don't push or force it. It takes practice to let go. But every day you get a new chance to improve.

You will soon learn to trust your instincts and let go of controlling others and allow them to also learn in a way that best serves themselves. Your role is not to make it happen for them. Just be there showing them how to "BE" the best person one can be. By being forgiving and unattached to how things should be, and see what wonderful "new" ways it can happen.

Success happens much faster to those who expect it and not try to resist it. Relax and enjoy your life and don't be so attached to what the other person is doing. Afterall, they have to take person responsibility for themselves too.

Friday, May 23, 2008

Increasing Your Success With Business Partners, The "How".

So to increase your success in business with partners and POTENTIAL business partners you have to be able to have them trust you. You have to Be the person they want to do business with, that they trust.

It has occured to me lately that the truly "being" is often an overlooked component to success in life! The phrase BE, DO and HAVE is the essentials to your everyday results. Most people think it is in a different order, have, do and be. Which really doesn't make sense. Because not everyone "have" or has it to begin with so how can they get more of it? To truly get success in anything in your life, you have to "BE". Then the action of doing is a lot less work and effort.

For instance, I talk with my business partners and potential business partners on the phone each and every day. In order for them to be in business with me they have to have "trust" in me. I have to BE "trustworthy".

So how does one go about BEing one of trust? This is the hard part for if you look around you, society is not really big on that one. People lock their doors, don't look directly at each other and are very fearful.

However, if you can visit a small town or community, you get a better feeling of trust! Now, you don't have to move from your community but there are many examples of trust out there, just start to look for it. For starters, turn off the TV and stop reading the "untrustworthy" newspapers for they are full of mistrust and judgement! By soaking in the negative stuff from the outside sources on a constant day to day bombardment, how can you feel trust? This is all little things you can do, but your awareness of it is the "key". Take the babysteps necessary in realizing that if you are yourself not trusting, then how will anyone else want to trust you? If they don't get the sense that they can trust you you cannot attract business partners.

So if you are having a lack of success in attracting business partners, perhaps a little sprucing up of your own values will benefit you. You will start attracting the better business partners and being more trustworthy yourself if you focus on "trust" for yourself first!

Friday, April 25, 2008

Building Success With Business Partners In Your Network Marketing Business

It is vitally important in your network marketing business to stay connected with your business partners and help them achieve success! The people you work with have so much valuable information and by you tapping into all the people in your network to share their information you are increasing everyone's success!

One way in which Warren and I have achieved this is by putting together a team website in which all can contribute! Photos, articles, audios, and links can all be added by anyone of the business partners thus adding lots of information available to everyone and everyone is also learning how to help others succeed as well. We liked the website so much that we created a different one to assist those who initially get started as well and need some guidance in their first baby steps to success!

This second website also has email list that they are encouraged to subscribe to for free so that they get emails from us on a regular basis to help them stay connected. In any business, you need to develop good habits of communication and consistency. Of course, it really is up each and every individual who chooses to start a business to be able be open to guidance from others and learn as much as possible. The learning is in the doing and taking action. Some people who get started get stuck in getting ready to do and never take the action steps necessary. Basically it is fear that holds them back. Fear of rejection or failure. But I find that once you take those action steps, those fears soon disappear pretty quick. Fear in your head is bigger and dramatic but once you start working your business you soon get over it, as you will find yourself feeling good for facing your fear.

Warren and I also have put together an open forum team call once a week to our business partners. The open forum call basically has no specific agenda for each call, but a chance for people all over Canada and the US to get an opportunity to ask questions openly and hear a variety of answers for which they can choose to use or not. This call is not recorded so it is a relaxed atmosphere, kind of like sitting around a coffee table with a cup of tea and getting absorbed in learning how to think better.

The calls do not have to have lots of people on them but I usually recommend 4 or 5 people as a minimum. Our open forum call lasts for only one hour and anyone is allowed to ask questions or answer them. Participation is the best way to learn how to be a leader in building a successful business and everyone benefits from our open forum calls. Discussions have varied from call to call and no call is alike. We never really know what the call will be like, as we just ask our partners for any questions and allow the discussion to flow.

So stay connected with your team. Provide a service that is valuable for their success and you will see rewards coming to back to you in various ways you never imagined possible!

If you need help setting up your own open forum team call or would like to further discuss any of these principles, please email to for further discussions. Remember the questions you do not ask are the stupid ones.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

So What Comes After Success?

So what comes after you have started your career and reached a level of success? This question actually applies to all areas of your life. Whether you have just gotten married, or have a successful business or practice. The point to remember is to keep moving forward.

It was recently brought to my attention a different perspective of looking at your life. If you can picture yourself like a pendulum, swinging back and forth as you grow your business, like the ebbs and flows of a tide, that you cannot really stop the motion, you have to allow it to swing back and forth. The problem most of have is the attachment to the pendulum when it is on a certain point in the swing, we say, yes we like it, but everything is constantly changing and growing and expanding or degenerating or shrinking.

So in your career or in relationships, don't try to hold on, but keep moving forward. Keep yourself in forward motion to achieve new goals or intentions. Your marriage will rot and decay if you don't keep it flowing for example. So many of us hold on to the past and expect the marriage to stay as it was the day you first got married. So think about that for awhile and decide that in order to really keep up, you have to keep moving forward, to work at creating not holding on. The waves will carry you, just allow it, don't force against it.

In business this works the same way. Once your business is up and running you often get caught up in the "drama" of the day to day running of it and stop the creating process. Then you start to get stagnation and decay. So change the perspective of how you look at things, don't be so attached in yesterday, and keep moving forward and then tell me what comes for you after success!

I look forward to your feedback! You can reply to

Monday, March 31, 2008


I am a woman and in control of my emotions! Not in my wildest dreams did I ever think it was possible! Not way....I am a woman...emotions control us, don't they?

Emotions are your reactions to situations in your present situation. As I have come to realize that in each and every situation I have a choice. Each and every day I choose before I get out of bed what kind of day I am going to have. How many people do that? Do you decide before getting out of bed that you have the possibility of having a great day? You should. It is a choice. So what if you day turns out bad, you don't have to RESPOND without control of your emotions.

I realize when you are in an awful situation you can't ignore it, but you can decide how you are going to react. You have not realized that up until this very moment you can carefully step back and reflect. This takes practice, that is all. Press on. No matter what, it could be worse. Choose to accept responsibility for your day, for your actions and choose not to lose control of your emotions. Did you know that 99% of your worst fears never arrive? You waste so much energy on the possibility you are missing out on the good stuff in life!

All emotions really are is a release. If you find you are feeling emotional, choose to accept responsibility for it and not fight it with everything you got. You will wear yourself out. You will constantly have this struggle within you to deal with. You are in fact every moment creating and making decision in your life and ALWAYS will be responsible for 100% of all things in your life including your reactions.

Now that you got that HUGE piece of wisdom, you can face it. Take ownership. You are no longer pretending to live your life, you don't have to. Relax with who you are and accept the possibility now that you are always deciding who you want to be, what you want to do and what you would like to have in your life.

Michelle Wojnowski can be contacted through email @ for mentorship programs.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Are You Being The Best Person You Can Be?

We tell our kids to do what we say but not what we do? Why is that? Why are you not being the best person you can be? Are you lazy? Do you hang out with other lazy people. What if your kids were behaving like you are, being lazy and unproductive. You would certainly not stand for that because you can see something that they cannot. You are guiding them as parents but you are no longer as an adult being responsible and learning and growing!

What type of friends do you hang out with? Are they successful and happy. You know that if your own kids hang out with kids who are lazy and prone for failure not to encourage your child to hang out with them. So why do as adults hang out with the wrong crowd?

We tell our kids to keep active and encourage them to read and do activities yet as adults we do not reap what we sow as well? Lots of adults sit down and just watch TV all evening and complain they don't have time.

I will give you an example of managing time: If you take a piece of paper 9 X 11 inches and turn it sideways so it is 11 X 9 and then fold it in 3 equal sections. Then look at those three sections as 8 hour blocks of time. The first section is 8 hours of sleep. The second section is 8 hours of work. The third section is 8 hours left in your day to accomplish your tasks. We each have the same 24 hours in a day and what do you fill up your 8 hours with?

Be open to doing some changes and then you will get different results - results you are looking for. Remember to do baby steps in the initial stages for all out massive action results can be daunting for most and they will likely give up. You need to develop habits slowly. Tackle some project you want in small manageable portions. An hour a day or even just 20 minutes to start. By now focusing on "you" and seeing yourself as able to handle the project, you will have success and your kids will benefit from your improvements, from what you sow.

So take the time now before your time is up. Don't worry about the how, just decide what areas of your life that could be better, be improved. You will soon discover after deciding to do something the answers will appear, the courses, the books, the new friends and the opportunities. As one door closes another one will open up - trust and have faith.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

How To Get Creative Ideas Flowing

How I get creative ideas is usually when I am reading. I have read a lot of great positive inspirational books and while I read I get ideas! That is right. Often when I read my mind starts to wonder and I actually start thinking of possibilities or solutions. Of course, you should be reading books about inspiring wonderful ideas to help you achieve this alpha state. Some great authors I have read are: Dr. Wayne Dyer, Deepak Chopra, and Andy Andrews for starters.

We have made available on our website a book review section as well for you to get some more ideas about what books we enjoyed and why.

But the process of reading is to learn and when I sit down to read I start to drift off a little and start to get some creative ideas. You should write them down and act on them when you can as soon as possible and then you have to pick up the book and re-read that section again.

My subconscious mind does that to me. If I have questions lingering and want to focus on solutions, sometimes during conversations I may get ideas too. That is why it is important to have a mastermind group of a few people who you can talk over ideas with. The end result is that you support each other with the idea that anyone can accomplish what they set out to do, all you have to do is first decide. By allowing yourself to envision the idea sort of like daydreaming you can think how does that feel if this happens or that happens and yeah - this will work!

But remember to write those ideas down as you get them. You may get ideas while you are in the shower or while driving so sometimes it may be difficult to write it down, so ask yourself to remember it and why you want to remember it when you do get a chance to write it down. Ideas pop into your head at all times of the day, even if you are watching TV, you may see something which will get you to start to think about your own situation and voila, you have an idea.

Some of the best ideas in the past with famous scientists involved were they were relaxed about getting the solutions and sort of just become "detached" from it. They either had a dream or the idea popped into their head, and all this happens from the subconscious mind. The process of Isaac Newton discovering "Gravity" is a very common one. There he was sitting under an apple tree and he gets the answer he was seeking. This reminds me to suggest that you can read a great book by Dr. James T. Murphy, "The Power Of Your Subconscious Mind". He has examples illustrating this concept and while reading the book I got an answer to the problem I was facing, the answer just sort of popped into my head in the middle of the night just after I awoke from a dream. So try it, it worked for me!

So enjoy your book reading and really allow yourself to relax and see what pops into your head! I am available for one on one coaching sessions as well. Contact me through my website.

Monday, March 17, 2008

How To Achieve Success

How to achieve success. Basically, KNOW YOUR CRAFT. Be good at what you do. Pretty simple, you have to be willing to learn, be open to learning from others, that is the biggest obstacle which holds people back.

Most people figure after schooling is done that they are not in learning mode. You can learn, and the learning is the most important now. Because it is the experience of doing which is going to help you achieve success, that is how you get to know your craft. Whatever you choose to do, realize that by doing it you will learn. Be flexible and do not be hard on yourself as you grow. Allow yourself room to grow!

If you want to learn about creating financial wealth, you need to learn from others who are wealthy as an example. How was it for them. If you read about their biographies you may start to see a common thread. They were in a position to either learn or give up. They were at crossroads with themselves. You are probably experiencing some of that right now. That is where the growth comes from. It comes from breaking through a threshold which is holding you back, keeping you limited to your current situation. You have to take that step towards your goal, you have to KEEP MOVING FORWARD. No matter what your "poor" friends say, keep your dream alive and trust your instincts, operate from the feeling of knowingness.

Picture yourself achieving your success. See yourself with how you feel about it by the end of this year. You are only holding yourself back by not moving forward, or letting other people tell you how to live. It is a great and rewarding life you live, you have so many options, just stop looking at your past results, and focus on your achieving success.

My personal achievements have been very rewarding and I look forward to be of any assistance you may need. Personal one on one coaching sessions are available now. Contact me by email at I look forward to your success!

Monday, March 3, 2008

How To Turn Your Spare Time Into Profits!

How to turn your spare time into profits. Turn the TV off and now in your spare time you can operate a home-based business. A home based business is not only convenient, but anyone can operate one.

Are you ready to take charge of your life? Have you been wondering what the next step is? Is now the time to go for it before it is too late?

If you have been asking yourself one of these questions or something similar you are not alone. The market is growing rapidily. There will be more millionaires and fortunes made this year than last year! So why would you not want to get started?

Some people think that they do not have a certain skill or quality like myself for instance. When I first got into a home-based business I really thought that it was for making a few bucks! I really did not know what huge potential there is in this growing industry! I then realized that average people with all sorts of backgrounds were making it in the home-based business industry! We decided for us to start a home business instead of a franchise because franchises would be a lot more work, more training and stress.

So what lead me down this whole new path to a world I did not even know existed was the fact that my husband was sick and tired of working for someone else. At that time, I was already home with 2 kids and all the pressure was on him to maintain a lifestyle and being something he really wasn't wanting to be anymore. He grew tired of the rat race and the politics of the corporate world. At the time, all I really knew was that he was unhappy and unfulfilled.

Change is such a wonderful release and boy does it feel good. When my husband and I did enter the home-business industry, it was really him who started. But as soon as I realized that a woman with very little education can learn to operate a business I was contributing and the change was great for me too!

Since we started in 2005, my husband and I have made a six-figure income operating from home. He walked away from his job in 2006 and we have travelled to South Africa, Australia, and many other tropical locations like Hawaii. None of this would have been possible until he was retired if he had stayed at his job. Perhaps, if he stayed working in that executive level stressful environment being unhappy, he may have even would have worked himself to death like so many others we hear about.

Our journey is now what we create and our marriage, our kids, and our health is all that much better because we changed our direction. I am so glad we are helping others along this journey, showing them what truly is possible. So perhaps you now can too turn your spare time into profits.

Friday, February 22, 2008

Why Is Personal Development Necessary For Everyone?

Why is personal development necessary for everyone? There will at some point in time in your life where you may feel like life sucks, or perhaps you wonder why it always seems to happen to you! Personal development is a basic understanding of yourself and why you get what you get in life. When you truly understand this concept and apply it to your daily routine, you can change your pattern of habits and begin to change the course direction your life is on.

Most people view themselves through other people's eyes. They work so hard to live up to standards of others or in wanting approval of. That is an example of external gratification. It is a temporary feeling of relief or masking of the real problem.

Whenever you turn on the TV you are looking for ways to escape your world. Think about that one. There is nothing wrong with watching TV, as long as you now know why you do it! Think about the huge population of people who come home everyday and turn on the TV and tune out of their lives!

So now you realize one day you sort of wake up and say to yourself that your life is half over and have you really done anything about it? The great thing is that you can still enjoy each and every moment from now on.

This is the first step. Awareness. Accept the fact that the past is the past and there is nothing you can do about it but more forward. So then you are now released! Feels good. Move on towards what you want, not what you think you should want. This is the shoulds verses the wants in your life. Doing stuff because you are supposed to, not because you want to. I realize it may not all happen in the first week you start, but start to focus on what you truly want.

You have the contrast of your life that you don't like so now start to zero in on what truly gives you passion. Then life falls into place. Find what you are passionate about and don't worry what others think about you. That will be what will make your life worth living for yourself! Others will see you light up like a lighthouse and want to know what you are on. If we all started to let go of what others do and say and start zeroing in on what we are doing in the moment and what we intend to do the next day to live our lives, you will see a new emerging of inspiring products, lifestyles, and more rapid growth for all!

All it takes is for one to light up a room and create a path for others to follow. So lead yourself and truly inspire everyone to do so as well. That is why personal development is necessary for everyone.

Thursday, January 31, 2008

How To Start A Successful/Happy Life?

So today you decided that you are going to turn over a new leaf but how does one go about a new start to a successful happy life?

I recently noticed in a widespread newspaper article that those in their 40's are unhappy. People in their 30's feel still there is time. Then in their 50's they stop the worrying and move on with their lives. Why wait. Start here, start right now. No matter how old you are, how young you are, how poor or wealthy. You can today feel good about yourself and where you are going.

It all starts with the power of your mind. Your subconscious mind does so much for you and you are not even aware of it. It operates your body systems, it keeps your heart beating, digests food, and controls your breathing, until you think about breathing! That I find is incredible. Imagine you do all kinds of things all day long and are not conscious about breathing until you think about it. Then you have control. Then you have to take over, don't you. Your subconscious mind obeys your mind. Every time.

Whatever you tell yourself, your subconscious mind hears it. It is listening! It cannot see, it only believes what you tell it. People who tell themselves positive inspiring comments, affirmations, are in fact telling their subconscious mind that this is in fact the truth so make it so.

What happens when you tell yourself over and over again that you are a failure or are forgetful with names, your subconscious mind makes it so. So NEVER tell yourself a negative affirmation.

Affirmations should always be positive, and to the point. For example, I used to always forget people's names right after we were introduced. I know that there were tricks to use to help, but I did not always remember the tricks at the time or could only remember a couple of people's names because the tricks were too awkward to use in large numbers. What worked for me, is to tell myself I have a great memory for people's names. I have a great memory! So instead of telling my subconscious mind a negative, I changed the cycle. So now I have a great memory and remember again and again.

So by using affirmations, we are in fact, telling our subconscious mind what it is we intend to be as a result. I remember talking with someone who was doing 300 affirmations a day! He was not having any success. No wonder. Affirmations are to be simple. Repeat it often throughout the day the same one or two. You can say an affirmation before you get into your car for example. You can say that you are going to arrive at your destination in a timely fashion safe and sound. So remember to say that each and everytime you get into your vehicle and now you are in control, total control.

You must be consistent at repeating affirmations regularly. It is a habit you start. You can also then say an affirmation before you prepare for your day like: Today I am co-creating a joyful day that is gentle and financially prosperious. Pick out something that you intend to have as a result of your affirmation, say it regularly and the mind will get it. It is simply a matter of being focused on what you want your day to look like.

So from now on remember your subconscious mind is listening to you so start each day off right. Appreciate how wonderful your subconscious mind is. The human body really is a marvelous machine. Your days will start to flow much smoother, happier, and successful now that you have your subconscious mind doing what you intend!

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Is Low Self Esteem Holding You Back?

Is low self-esteem holding you back from being what you want to be?

If you have low self-esteem as I did then it is very hard to see yourself as who you really want to be. I truly did not love myself . I blamed others and felt I was not in control at all. So what did I do?

Well, first things first. Awareness.

My husband shared with me that where I am right now is only the result of all my decisions or lack of making decisions. I started to listen. I started to open up.

Stop blaming others for your life! The moment I realized that, I truly started on my path to success. I felt a weight lift off my shoulders. So I am not asking you to do the impossible, only just silently forgive everyone and most importantly yourself for your lot in life.

By forgiving, you are now releasing and it feels so much better. Now you are in a positive state of mind. Everything starts out much better and you can then start to appreciate how wonderful you truly are.

There are many books out there about self-esteem and I encourage you to get a hold whatever you feel is best. But first just see if maybe all you need to do is let go of blaming everyone. Just realize that you are where you are in life because of the decisions you have made up to this point or the decisions that you decided not to make. Don't need to beat yourself up anymore about the past, it is the past for a reason, leave it there. Once you tell yourself that there is nothing more you can do about that since it is in the past, you are now ready to do something about right now!

Now that you are feeling better, you can focus on maintaining the positive forward momentum. The next step is gratitude. Being grateful is a great way to maintain your high self esteem! Be grateful for all that you have accomplished up to this point. Look around you. The whole universe has created this moment in time just for you. You know what you can do that makes you feel grateful. An example maybe to go for a walk or an activity that you enjoy, like wood-working or helping someone rake up leaves. Remember that feeling and keep it with you as you go about in your day to day experience. Have photos on your desk about your progress and take a few minutes to write about them in a journal before you go to bed or in the mornings. This is not complicated at all.

So to improve your self-esteem is first to relax and not blame others. Then being grateful for who you are. By taking the day to day drama out of your life and filling it with positive feelings of yourself you are now able to accomplish what you want.

**Learn more about how to achieve success and get what you want by visiting my website at or email Michelle directly at:

Saturday, January 19, 2008

What is the Secret to Success?

What is the Secret to Success?

Your daily mode of operation is the basic practical steps to move forward. Every day you do activities which helps you create success. But, if two people each are doing the same thing exactly the same way, how come some one achieves success and one does not? Why is that?

The answer truly lies within each individual. Each one of us a set of beliefs about what we believe we can accomplish and a set of beliefs of what we cannot. Even between two siblings who have been raised in the same home together have different results from one another. So if you are not really getting the results you want the answer is in your own set of beliefs. This is why personal development has been very popular and helpful.

At some point in your process of personal development you may have come accross the term or phrase, "Law of Attraction". Listen to the audio below as Warren and I reveal secrets to assist you in your further understanding of "Law of Attraction".

MP3 File

**Learn more about how to understand the Secret to Success by using Law of Attraction by visiting my website at or email Michelle directly at:

Thursday, January 17, 2008

How to Be, Do, Have?

How to Be, Do Have?

That phrase can help you realize how to change the way you are looking at things and get control of your life. If you want certain lifestyle, or have results that you know someone is having that you would like, it is just a matter of simply pretending to be that person. If they can do it, so can you. So then you as you are pretending to be that person, you start to do what they are doing and then you start to get the results that they have too. Sounds pretty simple. I will break it down in a little more detail for you.

First--Be(the New You): Decide on who you would like to be like, or the results that someone you know is getting, whether they are someone personally you know or someone famous. There are lots of books out there and people in the media that you probably like some aspects of them or their lifestyle as an example. So do some researach.

So let's say you want to be a crocodile expert with your own TV show. First, you could watch the wildlife TV shows and learn what they do and then read up on their biographys to see what steps they did to accomplish their dreams. But there is more.

To really be who you desire, your new you, first don't put yourself in awe of that person. Afterall, we are all human, we were all once babies and we all had to learn how to walk one step at a time. So if you hold yourself away from what you want to be, how in your mind can you achieve their results. I hope you understand that. You too can do what they did. You just have to really want it bad enough, really be ready to do it no matter, no matter what anyone says.

See yourself as already being in possession of your results. How? Just imagine how that person is being all the time and copy it. Feel what it is like. Spend a lot of your focus on just "being" and imaging, and pretending...then you feel more comfortable with the "be" part.

Second--Do: This is the action step. Do what needs to be done effortlessly because afterall you reeaaally want to be the new you and have to get your desired results. So when you are focused on being, the doing feels like it is the next logical step, that it isn't so hard afterall, just keep focusing, pretending, doing. It takes practice, but you do have large easy footprints to follow as a guide. So many different types of people out there are leaving bread crumbs for you to follow! Get their books, programs, whatever you can to help you do what they did, it can be that simple! Stay positive. Remember you have a blueprint from which to follow.

Third--Have: Now you start to get the results of your efforts! Now people may compare you with who you are being for instance, or they may compliment you. Perhaps they may just notice something is different! Enjoy it. The new you is getting feedback from your efforts and only then the new you will start to HAVE the results. As everything is coming in relax about it and feel good at every turn. Don't panic if things are somewhat not what the new you pictured, for this will be an opportunity for you again to decide for yourself if this who you want to be. The new you may decide to go a different direction. The new you will be given choices all the time in your results. The key is to stay consistent and persistent. Don't flip, flop between the old you and the new you.

Now, in order for you to move forward in life and achieve success at whatever you want, first BE, DO, and then you will HAVE. It is a lot easier and more fun this way.

**Learn more about how to be, do, have, by using Law of Attraction by visiting my website at or email Michelle directly at:

Monday, January 14, 2008

Are You Coachable and Trainable?

Are you coachable and trainable? At any point in your life you can learn something "new". It just depends on you. Are you WILLING to be coachable and trainable?

For me, I remember I had the "attitude" that there is nothing new I need to know. Boy was I wrong. For starters, I was in a dead end job and had a pretty uneventful life. Just same old same old. No more growth! All my best years are behind me!!! NO, no, no. It was true I could picture my life for the next 20 years. For example for us, every year go on the same 1 week holiday in the winter and take a few weeks in the summer! Keep working until I can retire. You call that living? That isn't life, it is just biding time. What was I waiting for? Why am I afraid to move forward? Anyone can move forward. Just start from where you are. That is why you have to become coachable and trainable. Open up and be ready to move forward.

But now looking back, I opened up to learning and being coached in order to experience new growth! If I can do it I know anyone can. For starters, I met and made new friends who I could learn something from. These new friends loved to read about personal development for starters. They too wanted to do more than what they have achieved so far. It was so exciting when I realized that I can learn more, just by opening myself up to the possibility. I read, I listened, I attended conferences and now look at me.

My husband is coming up to his second year anniversary of quitting his job and I have been home now for over 5 years! My life is exciting and I assisting others on this journey as well. The step by step journey for us is very satisfying. Now I "feel" truly what life is all about. Not just existing. I don't spend my evenings anymore just watching TV!

So now you know, you can only learn when you are ready. Once you come to a point in your life that you cannot get any further with what you have learned so far, then it is time to open yourself up to be coachable and trainable. That is pretty all there is to it. You cannot learn until you decide you want to learn, you want to move forward!

So when I asked if you are coachable, there are all types of coaching available. From in-depth one on one to just talking regularly with new friends who have set a path and are moving forward. It is up to you. Find yourself new friends for support in your path of learning. Find yourself mentors, coaches, examples of what you can do. Then your path to learn and be coached is wide open along with your choices.

So are you ready to move forward, are you coachable and trainable?

**Learn more about how to be coachable and trainable by using Law of Attraction by visiting my website at or email Michelle directly at:

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Achieving Goals Is All About Your Attitude

Achieving Goals is all about your attitude. Everyone should set goals or intentions and know the secret as to how to accomplish them.

SETTING a goal is one of the first things you should do to achieving goals. It makes sense, but I for one never really new that much about setting goals or intentions let alone how to achieve them. No one told me until a few years ago. I learned that you get what you focus on, so set a goal or intention, but you have to have a positive attitude too.

Firstly, you decide what it is you want. If you can't decide, then you get a mixture of things you may want or not want or nothing at all. So if you are not getting anything at all you will enjoy this blog.

Start off with something simple that may perhaps be the next logical step. Since lots of people have jobs out there an example would be a raise or promotion. Now the important part is to think about it all the time. To imagine yourself as the one with the pay raise or the promotion. How would you feel? Do you look any different? See where I am going with this?

I am serious when I say you have to focus on it all the time. You should take time throughout your day to focus on it, but always do it with a positive attitude.

If your goal was to get a new car, have the picture of it in your home and office. Talk about it constantly but always with excitement. You also should start to notice it around on the streets or hear of other people getting one. If that happens then you know you are on the right track.

A positive attitude helps out a lot. Why? Well you can attract a lot more bees with honey than with vinegar. I am sure you notice how you feel much better on a sunny day as to a cloudy day? Being positive gives you a feeling of hope, which leads to belief, which leads to knowing.

So focus on your goal and be in a positive frame of mind. Some people set lots of goals, which may only hinder them because they cannot decide which one they truly want. So know what it is you want. Don't worry about how it will happen, afterall a lot of the truly wonderful ideas in the world came when the scientists were relaxed. The idea just pops into their head, like an apple falling from a tree.

Now if you don't get what you want you were focusing on the lack of what it was you wanted. What that means is your were focused on the now, the absense of the car in your garage for example. So what you were actually focused on was the NOT having that new car. That is the tricky part. Know the difference, it is crucial.

So focus on what you truly want, start off with some simple goals, one at a time is good for starters, and ALWAYS be positive!

**Learn more about how to achieve goals using Law of Attraction by visiting my website at or email Michelle directly at:

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Achieve Success with Practice, Practice, Practice

Practice is the doing to achieve success. Sounds pretty simple. It is. If you want to be good at anything, you need to practice it. By practicing you are creating new habits and truly learning. Words do not teach, doing teaches.

So whatever it is you want to be, do or have, you have to practice at it. For example, to practice being a great employer. Every day is a new day to "practice" being better than before. You know what to do, just practice it every day. Don't beat yourself up if you at first are not good at it. It will come, just keep practicing.

All day long you get to practice at getting better and better than before. Today is a magnificent day for you to start. If you want to practice at being a healthier person, you know what to do. Just practice and before long you are now learning, just because you are doing.

Look at what you are doing every day as a practice. Even the final competitions you may be part of is just a practice. What is the result of all this practice is new habits and also now you have changed the way you are looking at things. Your perspective of life is that this is a learning process by doing. There is lots of fun in the practice, the pressure is off, you can relax and enjoy the learning that much better.

The only way to learn to achieve success is by doing, and all we really are is practicing. So go out today and practice what you desire to be, do or have.

**Learn more about how to achieve success using Law of Attraction by visiting my website at or email Michelle directly at:

Saturday, January 5, 2008

January "Blahs" Become An Opportunity for Appreciation

Turn the feeling of the January blahs into an opportunity for appreciation of yourself. Pick one room in your home and clean it out. (I did my en-suite bathroom this week as an example) You don’t have to pressure yourself and do the whole house, you can do a small area, like the corner of a room.

Give away the dust collectors, throw away the old bottles of product, rearrange the furniture, plants, wall pictures, give away your clothes you did not wear last year, increase the lighting or swap lamps, anything to make the room look like a picture in a magazine! Or like a hotel room (with lots of drawer & closet space!) For your office area, clean off the desk! Put your in-box and out-box trays on the filing cabinet behind you so you don’t have it in front of you. Rearrange your office furniture if possible, but have your office looking like all the work is done!

Now sit in that room. Enjoy what you have opened up for yourself. One room is done, the clutter that was there is now gone. Feel appreciation of what you have…what you are capable of doing…feel appreciation for yourself…remember how appreciation feels like and carry that with you throughout this month and then from there for the rest of your life (one room at a time).

**Learn more about how to appreciate yourself using the Law of Attraction by visiting my website at or email Michelle directly at: