Inspired Business Opportunity

This legitimate high income home business opportunity works with law of attraction and can set you free

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Is Ego Is In The Way Of Your Success?

Is ego in the way of your success? It was for me. Having a business partner who is your husband is quite a challenge but can be very rewarding to work with your spouse once your hurdles are overcome. If you are wanting to successful in your business and perhaps with your spouse this may be the answer you are looking for.

In the beginning, when my husband and I started working together we shared the responsibilities as equally as we could and had a heck of a time getting past egos. It wasn't my husband's ego I had to get past, it was my own!

I am currently reading the book by Eckhart Tolle, "A New Earth Awakening to Your Life's Purpose." and as usual an idea pops into my head about the evolution of myself towards letting go of ego.

For me, when I worked with my husband and we shared the tasks, we stepped all over each other. We expected each other to understand or read each other's minds as to what was the next step. All kinds of chaos was the result. My ego was my problem for sure. All my husband's advice was taken as insulting so I was on the defensive side. I was looking at my past performances as a guide to my future and so far at that point, I had never ran a business only followed others. I had low self-esteem in myself when it came to the business, however I really felt a strong urge to keep going thankfully.

It was my ego in control now when I am reflecting back on the whole situation. So how do you get ego out of the way when working with your spouse? It didn't happen over night that is for sure, but I kept asking for wisdom and guidance to help me with ego. I journalled about it everyday and all of a sudden it hit me. When a situation came up and my husband shared with me his advice I understood that this is the answer! Eureka. The widsom and guidance was not showing up in a book or going to pop into my head, it was coming from him. I remember a time when after talking with someone who was on the fence about making a decision, Warren said to me that "ask what does that mean to you?" So of course in about two days' time or perhaps even the very next day I again was talking to someone else who was on the fence. I had an opportunity to learn so this time I said what my husband had told me and I asked what does that mean to him. This guy ended up sharing with me his concerns, which is exactly the response I was looking for. So the answers from my husband was the guidance all along, his guidance was heartfelt and not coming to me from ego.

When you receive other people's advice is it coming from their heart or their ego? Are you in ego state when you receive it and therefore not open to learning. For me, allowing in my true self and focusing on that allowed my ego to hang out and see how much better my life flows. I constantly think of myself in the now or remind myself in as many moments in the day as possible that I am not my ego I am much more than that. It takes effort, but you will get there, perhaps sooner than you think.

The awareness is the key. When I realized that ego was in command then of course I am going to get those old results I had in the past. Ego will always be there, for I cannot stop being Michelle, but I can relax about Michelle and let a more bigger aspect of me be my guide. The answers come from all different sources, so keep looking and finding them everyday.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Power Of Focusing On Your Goals And How To Achieve Them

The 2008 Summer Olympics in Beijing was a great time for me to understand more about the POWER we each have to focus and accomplish goals. Goal setting is vital to each and every one of those athletes as well as to each one of us.

Most people do not really believe that setting goals work or that they can accomplish them. So perhaps you need to set for yourself a small goal and see your level of belief grow. See for yourself the power of setting goals and the feeling you get when you do. Once you have the feeling of accomplishment you can memorize that feeling to assist you in achieving the next one and the next one. That is all.

Each week I speak with people who focus on failing instead of winning. Every one of us can start to notice our accomplishments not failures and start to notice how things always work out for us once we start to focus on our successes. Ever notice that the better it gets the better it gets? Ever notice how when you feel so good it doesn't matter the little things, for they don't really matter. This is law of attraction responding to your feelings. Notice it more and more each day. Start to notice how you change your feelings from negative to positive and then your results willl show things around you start to improve also from negative to positive. Whatever you notice whatever you focus on will grow by your attention to it.

Now getting back to the Olympics, I was watching olympic athletes running towards the finish line and I noticed that the runner who won had her eyes focused at one point, not looking around, focused on one thing. I am sure we all can guess a similar goal this winner had - focused on being first to cross the finish line, which she did. Her eyes did not dart sideways as she passed her competitor. She had her eyes focused forward - perhaps visualizing herself crossing the line while she was running.

I remember a goal I had about receiving an award. I rehearsed myself walking up to that stage over and over again day after day. That is the work I did first before I took action each day. I never took my eye off my goal, MY AWARD. By the time I DID WIN the award I felt like it was deja vu - for I lived it for six months in my head!

Your habit to win is to ALWAYS to focus on your goal and not be comparing yourself to others, for that will take you out of the race. Not to judge yourself by comparing yourself to others. That also is a habit you can let go of. Not force it, just release. Just allow yourself to focus on your goals and not be looking around for approval of others or noticing things you don't want.

Now that you have the awareness of FOCUS and the POWER you get as a result of Law of Attraction, start to memorize these feelings and soon accomplishing your goals can be just a matter of time. Be good to yourself and never judge. Allow yourself to achieve your success.

I welcome your comments and questions. Contact me at

Monday, August 18, 2008

Personal Development Can Be Expanded By Changing Your Perspective

The power of changing your perspective is beneficial to your personal development. I have a recent story that happened to me I wish to share to help you understand this concept.

I recently went out to the garden to gather up some peas. At first glance, I was looking at three rows of peas and could not see a single pod to pick! I am sure some of you at least have had this experience or can find a similar analogy.

So anyway, determined to have some peas I walk up and down the row. Finally I spot some, but they were not fully formed or not ready to be picked yet, maybe in a few more days, sigh. However, I walked up and down the row and something transformational happened. You see I started to focus better my eyesight or my vision of what my goal was.

When you first come across a row of pea plants you see a wall of green. The wall can be shoulder high even and lots of green leaves. You may notice flowers first because of the color difference but you have to adjust your eyesight and concentrate, perhaps start to walk slower and scan all around. At last I started to find pea pods that were just the right size. I knew they were there but honestly at first glance you couldn't see any at all! I sometimes had to push the leaves around to penetrate the foliage and there perhaps may be a pea pod or two undiscovered. Or I just bent down and looked up from knee level and could see them much clearer and in abundance!

The point of this reference is that you too can change your perspective and find abundance too. Just perhaps look at it differently, slow yourself down, or get down at a lower level to see it all that is hidden and waiting just for you. Sometimes we rush around and too impatient and all too eager to dismiss the obvious.

I am sure you have heard of the old wise man sitting on top of a mountain story. I find that he is there to remind us about mental clarity. We are a society which is demanding instant gratification and not in the process to get there. In order to help you experience more out of life both financial and personally, pause as often as you can. Just ponder even for a 2 second grace period so you can develop the habit of getting the BEST perspective of life you can.

Meditation too is also a way of changing your perspective, but for now be open to learning how to change your perspective.

This life has so much all around us to really appreciate and can certainly provide a bounty for you. Be open to looking at things from different vantage points. They always say that you should put yourself into the other persons's shoes for instance. Take the time to sit and quiet yourself, not always do things the same and perhaps in no time at all you will start to see what has been there all along. Just change your perspective.