Inspired Business Opportunity

This legitimate high income home business opportunity works with law of attraction and can set you free

Sunday, February 8, 2009

How to Avoid The Pitfalls of Law Of Attraction

A pitfall I encountered with Law of Attraction was the "ideal" or my perception of not thinking, speaking or talking of any negative things. As I grew to my understanding of the power of positive thinking I suppressed all negative thinking and feelings! I thought I can't be thinking anything negative at all because then I may start attracting a negative result. I thought or believed I was supposed to be learning how to be more perfect, more positive and never again experience negative emotions! What happened for me was a bottle up effect of suppressed negative emotions.

Luckily, we all know we are not instant manifestors and if a thought pops into your head it will not instantly manfiest into your reality. I discovered a positive way to disperse the negative energy I encountered. I would journal about the negative things in my life and ask for help in regards to a positive and gentle way for a solution. By writing down in the journal about a negative experience I released it and forgave myself. You are helping yourself work through the issues as they come up.

By being genuine and authentic, I gave myself permission to experience "life" as it comes along I am able to face the small things that come up so they don't grow into bigger and bigger problems. So next time something comes, excuse yourself for a few minutes when you can and in a quiet space write down and release. Or perhaps you may find another way to release that works best for you. The point is not to release it on other people or negatively take it out on others.

For example, my teenage daughter and I got into a brief and negative argument which lead her to retreat to her room. I sat down and wrote out that I need some help here and guide me as to what to do to fix the situation? So about 20 minutes later I was drawn to take her clean laundry clothes into her room. By then, she was on the floor in her bedroom organizing jigsaw pieces into two piles. I was guided to quietly fold her clothes and "hang out" and see what happens while she was doing this. What happened next was pure magic! She invited me to help her find the edges of the jigsaw pieces along with her in the box. So I gladly sat down with her on the floor and went through the box and we never had to discuss the "blow out" we had earlier. To me, whatever it was - I can't even remember - was over and I learned from that experience. I learned to ask for a gentle and positive way to solve the problem and all I did was follow my intuition to guide me.

The stillness we have inside of us allows us to hear the wisdom to really enjoy the game of life. However, it is a choice for each one of us to practice being quiet to allow the wisdom to come to us. A still pond is a lot more receptive than a raging river. Learn to quiet yourself and use that to guide you - not the labels we "think" we have to live up to. Playing this game of life is to experience the wonderful feelings we get from emotions. It isn't all about being "rosy" all the time. It is about learning to experience how to play the game in the first place. We are here to experience life - not just sit on the sidelines of life watching.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

How To Manifest and Create Flow (Synchronicity) In Your Life!

How to manifest and create flow in your life. Well, it should start off with a basic understanding of what flow is that you want? What areas in your life do you want flow? Once you spend a few minutes writing down a few sentences you can start.

Really? Yes. In your day to day life, describe how you want your day to look like thinking about being in flow - going with the stream of life, not bucking the current. Focus on words like being in harmony, gentle, loving, and positive.

For example, let's say you want more harmony with the kids in the home. Describe what that might look like for you. Or perhaps you want people you work with to be more co-operative with you. So describe a scenario and how people are going along with your suggestions as an example. This applies to any situation in your life.

The next step is start to be appreciative of all that you have that is WORKING right now in your favour! Start saying "thank you" to the Universe everytime something works out for you. I personally do both. I will say thank you and then write it down perhaps compiling it with a few together and thanking the Universe for such a wonderful way it always works out for me.

So now you are in the flow by focusing on what you want that is working and by appreciating it showing up. You are manifesting your results and co-creating with the Universe. You can start with simple things like getting parking spots or that someone called you when you were thinking about them. Those things happen to us and we forget to say "thank you" to the Universe so they don't come consistently because we haven't consistently said "thank you". Once you start to get into the HABIT of focusing on creating and manifesting you will notice more evidence of things working for you. In order for me to able to work on silencing the monkey chatter, I consistently meditate daily and consistently daily write down things I want to see happen.

This past weekend everytime I went out to drive somewhere the weather was good for driving and shortly after I returned home the snow started to fall and the winds picked up! Being in flow can be something simple like being at the right place at the right time more and more consistently.

Remember it has to start off somewhere and some people may say it was a coincidence but what happens when you know it and can see it happening more and more you start to build up BELIEF in yourself. You build up confidence and trust and that is what connects you to the Universe. By trusting yourself, you allow the Universe to do the "work" for you. To line things up you want. By having faith and trust you keep the flow going strong and it works for you. By not having trust or faith or lack of confidence you cut off the flow or let it flow around you not bringing you what you want. So have the faith and trust first. Take it slow and easy and ask for gentle and positive ways to bring flow to you.

So pay attention to what is going on that you do want and say thank you and also remember to ask by writing down what it is you want, otherwise you are leaving it up to the Universe and you will get the same old the same old again and again.

Enjoy manifesting your life now to what you do want and make yourself an exuberant life.