Wanting success but don't know where to start? I speak with lots of people who are looking for "something" to do from home but have no idea what it could be. They figure they will know it when they see it. If you have been looking for several months or even for about a year, you haven't got your heart in it.
To truly want "something" is for you to figure out first! What I mean is that decide first what is it you want. Is it the job you currently do so maybe the answer is to change jobs. Or is it the income and "not getting paid what you are worth" feeling? The first thing to do is to figure it all out. Find out what is your "why" and are you really ready to commit yourself to starting a business and treating it like a business. People start businesses everyday but have no idea about committment! Sometimes I talk with people who have been looking for months and I usually ask them how consistent have they been looking? Have they been focused on finding a business 4 or 5 days a week and discovering all that is out there with excitement and anticipation? The answer is no, they sort of look for awhile and then stop. That tells me that those people have no idea what consistency really is, they don't know how to "do" it, even when searching for something to do.
If you don't have the desire to find the right thing that is for you to do at the beginnning stages how can you expect to carry it forward throughout the coming years. It all starts with baby steps! Learning to develop better habits of what successful people do on a daily basis. I will ask them to describe some characteristics a person should have if they are to be business entrepreneurs. Some people say words like consistency and persistency. I then ask them if they have it. They tell me yes, but their actions are reflecting that they do not know how to "do". I am being honest with them and show them that they need to first be honest with themselves and start developing better habits of other successful people.
So don't sit there on the couch in your evenings and watch TV. It means taking all out action to follow through on what it is your really want, but first -- DECIDE on what it is you want.
How to figure out what you want is different for everyone. Talk with your spouse, read books or attend seminars or events which can show you. Meet business entrepreneurs and see how they discovered how to get success. I am sure you really know deep down what it is you need to do - you just have to LEARN how to do it consistently and persistently.
So now if you realize that and you still don't have a strong belief in yourself, all that may mean is that you are lacking confidence in getting there -- that is all. So start with personal development to help you get there - that is why personal development is there in the first place - to help us get to where we really want to go in life! Use it, every day, and you will get what you want and know without a doubt that you are on a path to success!
I know you will get there -- just start right now. Take baby steps to LEARN how to be, do and have, and then it will be easier for you to proceed. To Your Success -- Cheers!
Are The Law Of Attraction Gurus Lying To You?
14 years ago